How to Read Encrypted WhatsApp Messages on Android Without Keys

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One of the reasons why WhatsApp becomes one of the most popular messaging services is because of the strong security feature. It encrypts messages from end to end, so the only ones who can read those messages are the sender and the receiver – unless someone else can open either the sender’s or receiver’s phones. But sometimes even the owner of the phone can’t access his/her phones due to technical glitches.


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Decrypt WhatsApp Database crypt12 without Key on PC

Whatsapp encrypts all data into .crypt5/7/8/12 format. But on a rooted Android phone, you can easily decrypt and read these encrypt messages with Whatsapp Viewer. Find your WhatsApp message backup file i.e. msgstore.db.crypt12 from Device Storage/WhatsApp/Database.

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Find your Key file which contains the decryption key to decrypt an encrypted file from /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/key.

decrypt crypt12 without key

  • Connect your phone to your PC and copy the database file with name msgstore.db.cryptX. and key file to your computer.
  • Download and install Whatsapp Viewer on your computer. Open Whatsapp Viewer and go to file > Decrypt .crypt12.

crypt12 decrypt without key

crypt12 decrypt without key

When you see the message “Database decrypted to file msgstore.decrypted.db”, the decryption is completed. You will find a file n named “msgstore.decrypted.db” in the folder where you stored the database file and key file.

whatsapp decrypt

  • Run WhatsApp viewer again and click File>Open. Click on “…” button to import your msgstore.decrypted.db file and click OK.
  • Now you can select the mobile number at the right panel and see the chats of it at the left panel. You can export the in the format of .txt/.html/.json if you want.

how to read crypt12 file on pc

Read WhatsApp Database crypt12 without Key on PC

To decrypt the database into something that understandable for the human, we can use the help from one of the decryption apps available in the Google Play Store. The recommended app that you can use is Omni-crypt . It can easily decrypt WhatsApp Database without root. Please note that to decrypt database above crypt6 version, you would need the WhatsApp-Key-DB-Extractor to extract the encryption key.

  • Connect your Android phone to a computer. Download and install Omni-crypt on your Android device.
  • Download WhatsApp-Key-DB-Extractor to your computer from
  • Open the WhatsApp-Key-DB-Extractor folder and find the file named Right click on it and select Properties.

how to read whatsapp database crypt12 without key on pc

From the Permissions tab, check the box before Allow executing file as program.


After that, running file in Terminal on Mac.

decrypt whatsapp database crypt12 without key on pc

When it prompts you to unlock your device and confirm the backup operation, open your Android phone and click BACK UP MY DATA. Waiting for WhatsAppKeyDBExtract to restore WhatsApp and once the operation completed, press Enter to quit the Terminal.

whatsapp database reader

Now open Omni-crypt on your Android phone. Tap on ENABLE CRYPT 6-12 BACKUPS and then tap on DECRYPT WHATSAPP DATABASE.

how to decrypt whatsapp database

Now open WhatsApp-Key-DB-Extractor folder and go to extracted folder. Here you can see ‘msgstore.db’ and ‘wa.db’ files. ‘msgstore.db’ stores all the messages along with attachments and ‘wa.db’ stores all the information related to the contacts.

crypt key extractor

  • Use a utility called ‘Whatsapp Viewer’ and give the path of ‘msgstore.db’ and ‘wa.db’. You will see all the chat messages, that were extracted from the database.

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