Use one of the following procedures to uninstall an System Center Operations Manager agent from an agent-managed computer.
Uninstall the agent by using the Operations console
- Log on to the computer with an account that is a member of the Operations Manager Administrators role.
- In the Operations console, click Administration.
- In the Administration workspace, click Agent Managed.
- In the Agent Managed pane, right-click the computers for which you want to uninstall the agent, and then select Uninstall.
- In the Uninstall Agents dialog box, either leave Use selected Management Server Action Account selected or do the following:
- Select Other user account.
- Type the User name and Password, and type or select the Domain from the list. Select This is a local computer account, not a domain account if the account is a local computer account.
The account must have administrative rights on the computer or the uninstall will fail.
- Click Uninstall.
- In the Agent Management Task Status dialog box, the Status for each selected computer changes from Queued to Success.
If the task fails for a computer, click the computer and read the reason for the failure in the Task Output text box.
- Click Close.
Uninstall the agent by using the MOMAgent.msi agent setup wizard
- Log on to a managed computer with an account that is a member of the administrators security group for the computer.
- In Control Panel, click Uninstall a program.
- In Programs and Features, click Microsoft Monitoring Agent, click Remove, and then click Yes.
The Agent Setup Wizard can also be run by double-clicking MOMAgent.msi, which is available on the Operations Manager installation media.
Uninstall the agent by using MOMAgent.msi from the command line
- Log on to the managed computer with an account that is a member of the administrators security group for the computer.
- Open a command prompt.
- At the prompt, for example, type the following:
%WinDir%System32msiexec.exe /x MOMAgent.msi /qb
Uninstall the agent from a cluster
- Using either the Operations console method or the command line method, uninstall the agent from each node of the cluster.
- In the Operations console, click Administration.
- In the Administration workspace, click Agentless Managed.
- In the Agentless Managed pane, locate all virtual instances for the cluster, right-click, and then select Delete.
Next steps
To deploy the Windows agent from the Operations console using the Discovery Wizard, review Install Agent on Windows Using the Discovery Wizard.
- If you would like to install the Nano Server agent using the Discovery Wizard, from the command line or automate the deployment using a script or other automation solution, review Install Agent on Nano Server.
- To understand how to manage the configuration settings of a Windows agent and options available, review Configuring Windows Agents.
- If you would like to manually install the Windows agent from the command line or automate the deployment using a script or other automation solution, review Install Windows Agent Manually Using MOMAgent.msi.
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