In this scenario, we want to code fast without installing Visual Studio, NodeJS, or other external programs and have the option to also save our work and share our projects.
[mai mult...]How to merge C and D partition when you have an extra Recovery partition in between
This situation arises when you want to merge your C and D partitions and you have a small recovery partition in between and you can t delete it from diskmgmt.msc.
[mai mult...]How to activate your copy of windows 10, using a Paid Digital Licence (without bootable USB/DVD)
You want to activate your copy of windows using your paid digital license key without using a bootable USB/DVD.
[mai mult...]How to save multiple browser sessions at once
This is a quick tip for saving all your browser open tabs in one place (serves multitaskers).
[mai mult...]How to use your Xiaomi Mi robot vacuum with smartphone
For lazy “stay, in bed days” when a clean house will brighten your day. You can start your remote vacuum robot to mop the floor for you.
Requirements : Xiaomi Mi Robot, A smartphone
[mai mult...]How to Connect Windows 10 and Android Using Microsoft’s ‘Your Phone’ App
The Your Phone app, which allows for easy sharing between a smartphone and your PC.
Drag and drop photos from a phone via a window on the PC. Or send web pages from a phone to the PC, where they can open immediately or reside in the Action Center for later use. You can also see your PC’s Timeline on the phone, though that feature is still labeled as beta—as is the coolest feature of all, Screen Mirroring, which displays and lets you interact with your smartphone’s screen on a PC.
If you have an Android phone, though, you can now get notifications from phone apps in the Your Phone app on the PC, Microsoft announced this week.
Microsoft would love to get the same functionality on iPhones, but Apple closely guards its ecosystem. Android is a lot more customizable than iOS, even letting you drop in a different Launcher home screen for your phone. With Your Phone, Microsoft takes advantage of this openness to deliver some impressive linkage between the worlds of mobile and desktop.
[mai mult...]Programarea rularii automate a unui executabil de tip .bat in Windows
Fie ca dorim ca statia de lucru sa se inchida singura la un moment ales de noi sau sa indeplineasca anumite sarcini, toate pot fi realizate prin rularea automata a unui executabil .bat.
[mai mult...]Apel fara retea GSM prin conectivitate WiFi
Dorim sa efectuam un apel, dar suntem in afara acoperirii retelei de telefonie mobila. In schimb, avem acces la o retea Wifi si ne folosim de acest fapt.
[mai mult...]Schimbare manuala parola user “SA” in SQL Server Management Studio 17
Avem un fisier executabil de tip ” .batch” care este rulat pentru a configura parola si userul “SA” in SQL Server Management Studio 17, dar care uneori afiseaza o eroare de tipul urmator:
[mai mult...]Printer is installed and working in Adobe Reader, but not showing in Devices & Printers
In this situation, we confront an issue, in which two printers are installed and visible in Computer Management, and even print from Adobe Reader, but are not visible in Devices & Printers, and therefore you can’t set a default printer for your computer, making it impossible for some apps to print properly or even print at all.
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