Instructions on how to migrate data stored in MongoDB to Azure Cosmos DB API for MongoDB.
[mai mult...]Back up a virtual machine in Azure with PowerShell
The Azure PowerShell module is used to create and manage Azure resources from the command line or in scripts. You can protect your data by taking backups at regular intervals. Azure Backup creates recovery points that can be stored in geo-redundant recovery vaults.
[mai mult...]Back up a virtual machine in Azure
Azure backups can be created through the Azure portal. This method provides a browser-based user interface to create and configure Azure backups and all related resources. You can protect your data by taking backups at regular intervals. Azure Backup creates recovery points that can be stored in geo-redundant recovery vaults.
[mai mult...]Create a Windows virtual machine in the Azure portal
How to use the Azure portal to deploy a virtual machine (VM) in Azure that runs Windows Server 2016.
Azure virtual machines (VMs) can be created through the Azure portal. This method provides a browser-based user interface to create VMs and their associated resources.
[mai mult...]Create a Linux virtual machine with the Azure CLI
How to use the Azure CLI to deploy a Linux virtual machine (VM) in Azure.
The Azure CLI is used to create and manage Azure resources from the command line or in scripts.
We will be installing Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
[mai mult...]Create an image of a VM using Powershell in Azure
Creating an image directly from the VM ensures that the image includes all of the disks associated with the VM, including the OS disk and any data disks. This example shows how to create a managed image from a VM that uses managed disks.
Before you begin, make sure that you have the latest version of the AzureRM.Compute PowerShell module, which must be version 5.7.0 or later. To find the version, run Get-Module -ListAvailable AzureRM.Compute
in PowerShell. If you need to upgrade, see Install Azure PowerShell on Windows with PowerShellGet. If you are running PowerShell locally, run Connect-AzureRmAccount
to create a connection with Azure.
How to Install Let’s Encrypt SSL Using cPanel
In this tutorial we will install Let’s Encrypt SSL into our website while using cPanel, this will make our website safer and it will be accessible with https://.
Before you begin this guide you’ll need the following:
- Access to cPanel
- Let’s Encrypt SSL installed in cPanel
How to Add SSL to PrestaShop
În acest tutorial, veți învăța cum să adăugați un certificat HTTPS pe site-ul dvs. PrestaShop existent. Certificatul SSL nu numai că va cripta conexiunea, va proteja e-shop, dar va crește și clasamentul SEO
Înainte de a începe acest ghid, veți avea nevoie de următoarele:
Certificatul HTTPS instalat pe domeniul dvs.
Accesați zona administrativă a PrestaShop.
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How to Create MySQL Database and User on cPanel
Aproape fiecare site web trebuie să aibă o bază de date pe care sunt stocate toate datele.
Fiecare bază de date are de asemenea nevoie de un nume de utilizator pentru a accesa, astfel încât să menționăm și aici cum trebuie creat un nume de utilizator.
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Windows 7 – Muta locatia folderului My Documents
Pot fi mai multe motive pentru care vrem sa mutam folderul “My Documents“. Poate doriţi să le păstraţi în condiţii de siguranţă prin stocarea pe o unitate separată sau pentru eliberarea spaţiului de pe hard-disk. Indiferent de motive, aceasta este o procedură simplă in Windows 7.
Urmaţi aceşti paşi simpli pentru a schimba locaţia folderului “My Documents” şi il repetati pentru fiecare cont de utilizator in parte.
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