Cum sa salvati fisiere PDF din Safari direct in aplicatia iBooks pentru iPhone si iPad

Ati gasit vreodata un fisier PDF in timp ce navigati pe Safari si v-ati intrebat cum puteti sa salvati o copie a sa in iBooks pentru a il vizualiza mai tarziu? Fie ca doriti sa salvati formulare importante, un eBook, un manual de utilizare, polita de asigurare, sau orice alt fisier de tip PDF pe care l-ati gasit in Safari, iPhone-ul sau iPad-ul dvs. au capacitatea de a salva orice fisier doriti direct in iBooks. Utilizarea iBooks pentru a va pastra si administra PDF-urile este mult, mult mai usoara decat salvarea paginilor in Safari si asteptarea de fiecare data ca pagina sa se incarce. Pentru a salva un fisier de tip PDF din Safari in iBooks, urmati pasii de mai jos. Totodata, primii patru pasi sunt utili si daca doriti sa deschideti PDF-ul in orice alta aplicatie terta pe care ati instalat-o pe iPhone-ul sau iPad-ul dvs.

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How to Optimize a MySQL Database Using phpMyadmin

Optimizarea bazei de date MySQL este importantă din mai multe motive, cel mai important fiind creșterea vitezei în care baza de date MySQL afișează rezultatele. În general, optimizarea va produce rezultate mai vizibile cu cât este mai mare baza dvs. de date (de exemplu, cu peste 7500 de rânduri sau dacă are dimensiuni de peste 350-500 MB). Partea de optimizare poate fi realizată folosind phpMyAdmin, care este un instrument gratuit de gestionare a bazei de date MySQL disponibil cu majoritatea furnizorilor de hosting.

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How to Fix VPN Error 619

One of the most common issues seen when working with a Microsoft Windows-based virtual private network is VPN error 619 – “A connection to the remote computer could not be established.” With some older VPN servers, the error message says “The port was disconnected.” instead.

This issue occurs when the computer is trying to establish a new connection to a VPN server or when it is suddenly disconnected from an active VPN session. The Windows VPN client begins the connection process and then typically pauses at the “Verifying username and password” step for several seconds before the 619 message appears.

Different types of VPN clients may experience this error including those that run using PPTP – Point to Point Tunneling Protocol.


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‘Network Path Was Not Found’ Occurs in Windows

When trying to connect to a network resource—another computer, mobile device, or printer, for example—from a Microsoft Windows computer, the initiating user might encounter a “network path was not found” error message—Error 0x80070035. The computer cannot make the connection over the network with the other device. This error message is displayed:

The Network Path Cannot Be Found

Any of several different technical issues on a network can cause this error. Try the troubleshooting approaches listed here to either resolve or work around this problem.

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Disable AutoRun/AutoPlay

AutoPlay is a Windows feature that is part of AutoRun. It prompts the user to play music, videos or display pictures. AutoRun, on the other hand, is a broader setting that controls the actions to take when a USB drive or CD/DVD is inserted into a drive on your computer.

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