Crypt32.dll errors are caused by situations that lead to the removal or corruption of the crypt32 DLL file. In some cases, crypt32.dll errors could indicate a registry problem, a virus or malware issue, or even a hardware failure. Some crypt32.dll problems have also been caused by issues with RealPlayer updates.
Fix Missing Hal.dll Errors in Windows XP
Causes of the “missing or corrupt hal.dll” error include, naturally, a damaged hal.dll DLL file or a hal.dll file that has been deleted or moved from its intended location.Additional causes may include a damaged or missing boot.ini file or possibly a physically damaged hard drive.
[mai mult...]Fix Print Spooler Errors
It’s best to start with the automatic printer troubleshooter and then systematically work through the printing process on the computer to isolate and fix the cause of print spooler errors.
[mai mult...]Troubleshoot and Resolve “Limited or No Connectivity”
Fix ‘Network Path Not Found’
Remove an Individual Photo From Samsung Cloud
Access Samsung Cloud on a Samsung Galaxy
Samsung Cloud is a free backup service available for most Samsung Galaxy smartphones and tablets. While it’s capable of storing large amounts of data, Samsung Cloud isn’t intended to be an online space for uploading, sharing, and downloading files. Instead, Samsung Cloud makes it possible to quickly retrieve device settings and data if you lose your device or need to do a factory reset because the device has stopped working.
[mai mult...]How to Log In to a Netgear Router
Follow these steps to log in to your router through a computer:
[mai mult...]Connect a Router to a Modem
Here’s how to connect your router to your modem with an Ethernet cable:
[mai mult...]Troubleshoot and Resolve “Limited or No Connectivity” Errors
This error might result from any of several different technical glitches or configuration problems on the computer or on the path between the computer and the rest of the network. Try these steps to solve the problem: