Sesiunea RDP se blocheaza la scurt timp dupa conectare in Windows 10

Daca folositi in mod regulat conexiunea RDP in Windows 10 este posibil sa va fi intalnit cu situatia in care sesiunea se blocheaza, nu mai raspunde comenzilor, la scurt timp dupa ce v-ati conectat.

Aparent, aceasta este o problema des intalnita in versiunea 1809, insa nu este limitata doar pentru aceasta.

Pentru a remedia aceasta situatie trebuie sa dezactivati conexiunea RDP prin UDP pe statiile de pe care se realizeaza aceasta conexiune astfel:

-Rulati gpedit.msc ca Administrator

-Navigati la Computer Configuration >Administrative Templates >Windows Components >Remote Desktop Services >Remote Desktop Connection Client

-Dublu click pe Turn Off UDP On Client,selectati Enabled, urmat de Apply.

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How to automatically logoff disconnected users after a certain period of time

Remote desktop service allows users to disconnect from the RDP session without logging them off which will continue to consume systems resources until it will be signed out.The proper way to end a session is by going to Start and choosing Sign Out/ Logoff depending on  your operating system, not closing the window via the X button.

In order to prevent issue, you can use Group Policy to specify a certain time limit after which the disconnected sessions will be terminated.

Open either Local Group Policy Editor(Windows Key+R and type gpedit.msc) if you want to set this locally, or Group Policy Management Console(Windows Key+R and type gpmc.msc) if you want to deploy it via AD policy on multiple machines at once.

Now, go to Computer Configuration->Administrative Template->Windows Components->Remote Desktop Services->Session Time Limits and double click on Set time limit for disconnected sessions. In the new window, just click on Enabled and choose the duration that you want followed by clicking Apply.

You can force this policy afterwards by opening a CMD and typing gpupdate /force .









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How to logoff all disconected users from a machine

You may have run in many situations when the users forgot to logoff from a session and they remain in a disconnected state, consuming resources.

If you have more than a few users to sign out, or if task manager isn’t responding and using cmd takes too long, you can sign out all of them at once.

In order to this, run Powershell as administrator and paste the following command:

quser | Select-String “Disc” | ForEach {logoff ($_.tostring() -split ‘ +’)[2]}
When it will finish processing this coomand, all the disconnected users will be signed out and you’ll have spare resources again
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Cum sa activezi Image Sharpening pentru placile Nvidia

Odata cu introducerea noului driver, cei de la Nvidia au implementat functia Image Sharpening, avand aceleasi rezultate ca si cea de la AMD, introdusa cu lansarea noilor placi din seria RX 5700.

Pentru a activa aceasta optiune trebuie sa aveti ultimul driver Game Ready, cat si ultima versiune de Geforce Experience.

Dupa ce ati instalat/actualizat componentele mentionate mai sus, rulati Geforce Experience, faceti click pe rotita din partea din dreapta sus, iar in tabul General bifati casuta Enable Experimental Features.












Dupa ce lansati jocul, apasati Alt+F3 pentru deschiderea meniului Freestyle, urmat de selectarea unui profil si a optiunii Sharpening deruland meniul de tip drop box, urmat de apasarea butonului Done.

Tineti cont de faptul ca nu toate jocurile suporta aceasta tehnologie momentan.

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Cum sa activezi functia G-Sync pe monitoare Freesync

In cazul in care aveti deja un monitor Freesync si doriti sa achizitionati o placa video Nvidia sau daca aveti deja o placa video Nvidia insa nu aveti bugetul necesar pentru a achizitiona un monitor G-Sync, puteti sa va bucurati de aceasta functie folosind un monitor ce dispune de tehnologia Freesync.

Pentru a va asigura ca monitorul este compatibil cu aceasta tehnologie, trebuie sa va asigurati in primul rand ca are o diferenta intre frecventa minima si cea maxima de minim 2.4:1, ceea ce inseamna ca pentru un monitor cu frecventa maxima de 122hz, frecventa minima a acestuia trebuie sa fie de 50hz.

In afara de frecventa, trebuie sa va asigurati ca atat monitorul, cat si placa video dispun cel putin, fie de port hdmi 2.0, fie de display port 1.2a.

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How to disable System Sound Notifications in Windows 10

In order to disable to the System notification sounds in Windows 10 you have to follow a few simple steps.

Type sound in start,open Sound Settings and click on Sound Control Panel option on the top right  side of the window.

Now navigate to the Sounds tab and either choose No Sounds from the drop down meniu in order to disable all alerts or choose individual ones from the list below, followed by Applying the settings.

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How to connect your Pc with your phone in order to make calls straight from it

If you’re spending a lot of your time taking phone calls while using your pc, you may often feel the need of an way that will allow you to do this without using your phone.

One application that allows you to do this is Remote Phone Call Trial.

1st thing you need to do is to install Remote Phone Call Trial from your Play Store. This is a 15 days trial version, but there is also a full version called Remote Phone Call which needs to be purchased.

After the installation is complete, tap on Install client software at the top of the screen, scroll down at Setup Transfer and choose one of the two methods for downloading the app on your computer.




















After installing and running the application on your pc, click on the Settings button at the top right corner of the window(Wrench Button), click on the + button under wi-fi and enter your phone IP address which can be found on your phone at the previous step.


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WiFi automatically disconnects when connecting to VPN on HP laptops

If you’re using VPN connections a lot,you may have stumbled upon this error where you can not connect via WiFi networks because it gets disconnected.

In order to fix this, you have to type on Start Menu and type Services and run it as Administrator.












Now you need to search for HP LAN/WLAN/WWAN Switching UWP Service, right click on it and choose Properties.

In the new window, from the Startup type drop down menu choose Disabled, and for the Service status option down below, click on Stop button and on Apply afterwards. Now it won’t deconnect you anymore from the WiFi network.

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