Cum se adauga o adresa de mail in blacklist-ul Spamassassin
Sa zicem ca avem un server de mail ce ruleaza pe linux, iar pe acel server ruleaza Spamassassin si dorim sa adaugam o adresa de email sau domeniu in blacklist.
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Remove NVIDIA Control Panel from Desktop Right-Click Menu
Have you ever wondered how to remove the “NVIDIA Control Panel” item from the desktop context menu? If so, you probably didn’t realize that it’s trivially easy to remove.
Here’s the menu item we’re looking to remove:
[mai mult...]How to change the registered PC owner in regedit on any version of Windows
If you’ve ever wondered how to change the name of the person that Windows is registered to, this is the quick tip for you.
[mai mult...]How to show seconds in Taskbar Clock using regedit
With the help of this interesting Registry tweak, you can enable seconds display in the Clock present in notification area (system tray) of Taskbar.
[mai mult...]Remove the Windows 10 Action Center Sidebar using regedit
Windows 10 Action Center Sidebar offers handy quick access buttons and notifications. However, if you find these buttons to be unnecessary and are not comfortable with the sidebar taking up half the screen when you open it, you can simply disable it
[mai mult...]Eroarea „Driverul de afișare nu mai răspunde și s-a recuperat”
Acest articol prezintă doua metode care se pot utiliza pentru a depana problema “display driver stopped responding“.
[mai mult...]How to Open Last Active Window in Taskbar
The way Windows 10 organizes open apps, it bunches all open windows of a given app under the same taskbar icon, which you then click to bring up thumbnails of all the open windows contained therein.
This is reasonably useful, but you may well prefer it if clicking the taskbar icon took you straight to the last window you had open within the app – cutting out the thumbnail faff.
[mai mult...]How to disable the USB ports using Regedit
Disable Shake to Minimize in Windows 10
The “Aero Shake” is a feature introduced in Windows 7 that lets you minimize windows by grabbing onto the one you want to keep open and “shaking” it. You may not have realized you even had this feature, but now that you know, you might not want it. To remove it:
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