Afla daca un utilizator este in unul sau mai multe grupuri in ActiveDirectory folosind POWERSHELL

Afla daca un utilizator este in unul sau mai multe grupuri in ActiveDirectory
 folosind POWERSHELL:

$Groups = "Group1","Group2"

$GroupHash = @{}
ForEach ($Group in $Groups)
{   $GroupHash.Add((Get-ADGroup $Group).distinguishedName,(New-Object PSObject -Property @{ GroupName = $Group;Count = 0 }))

$Results = ForEach ($User in (Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties MemberOf))
{   $NotFound = $true
    ForEach ($Group in $User.MemberOf)
    {   If ($GroupHash.ContainsKey($Group))
        {   $NotFound = $false
    If ($NotFound)
    {   $User
$Results | Select SamAccountName,Name,distinguishedName | Sort Name
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HTML | Design Form

What is HTML Form :
HTML Form is a document which stores information of a user on a web server using interactive controls. An HTML form contains different kind of information such as username, password, contact number, email id etc.
The elements used in an HTML form are check box, input box, radio buttons, submit buttons etc. Using these elements the information of an user is submitted on a web server.

The form tag is used to create an HTML form.

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Afisarea parolei de la retelele Wi-Fi in Linux

Pentru a functiona aceasta metoda, trebuie sa fi fost conectat inainte cu parola. Sunt insa situatii in care nu o mai aveti notata sau nu o mai retineti si doriti sa dati parola cuiva sau sa conectati alt dispozitiv la acea retea.
   Deschideti terminalul prin combinatia de taste (apasa Ctrl+Alt+T) sau deschide-l din iconita aflata in meniu.
Odata deschis terminalul trebuie sa introduceti una dinte cele doua comenzi:

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How to Jailbreak a Fire Stick

Why Jailbreak Your Amazon Fire Stick?

The popular Amazon Fire Stick (and its 4K alternatives, the Fire TV, and Fire TV Cube) comes with content preinstalled. Quite a lot of content, in fact; and then there’s the stuff that you can install later.

Think YouTube, Hulu, ESPN, Disney+, Netflix, even HBO. And don’t forget regional TV apps and streaming services either. CNN Go, CBS All Action, and BBC iPlayer are also available, depending upon where you live.

In short, the choice available is huge, so why hack an Amazon Fire Stick? Apps available by default on Fire TV devices are from the curated library of software in the Amazon App Store.

Jailbreaking the Amazon Fire Stick means removing the device from the Amazon ecosystem. With an unlocked Fire Stick you can install additional software that isn’t officially available for the device. This might mean, for example, Kodi; but it might also mean other apps, such as Android games and media streaming software.

Why Android? Simple, the Amazon Fire Stick’s operating system is based on Android.

A simple Amazon Fire Stick hack lets you install any Android software, if you have the APK installer file.


Is It Legal to Jailbreak a Fire Stick?

If you own an Amazon Fire Stick, and you want to jailbreak it, you might be concerned about the legality of doing so. After all, it might be illegal, right?

However, in this regard, you do not need to be concerned. How you use the Fire Stick is entirely up to you. This includes jailbreaking (or unlocking or hacking) the device. The simple act of jailbreaking the Fire Stick is entirely legal.

What is illegal, however, are some of the ways you might use the Fire Stick after unlocking. We’ve already considered that you might install Kodi, for example. While Kodi is not illegal, some uses of the software certainly are.

Many third-party add-ons for Kodi have been built with the intention of streaming copyrighted video, for examples. Using these tools is illegal, so if you unlock your Fire Stick to install Kodi and install such add-ons you’re on the wrong side of the law.

However, you don’t have to be limited by this. The basic Fire Stick jailbreak is legal, as is Kodi. So as long as you don’t use it to watch copyrighted content, you’re fine.

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How to Update Your Raspberry Pi to the Latest Raspbian OS

Released in June 2017, Raspbian Stretch has had several incremental updates since, with standard updates such as improved Bluetooth and account security being enhanced with a first-boot setup wizard, and a new app store.

Raspbian itself comes with a bunch of bundled tools, from the Chromium browser (although this won’t work on the Raspberry Pi 1) to a number of useful programming-based applications and utilities. There’s also Claws Mail, the LibreOffice suite, and not to mention Minecraft PE!

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