In Windows 11/10, before you sign in, you may get to see some advertisements, fun facts, and tips on your lock screen. This is a new feature that has been introduced by Microsoft. While many of you may find this interesting, some of you may want to disable these lock screen ads and tips.
[mai mult...]Reset Touchpad Settings and Gestures to Defaults in Windows 11
Accidentally messed up your touchpad settings? Touchpad gestures not working? If your Windows 11 laptop has a built-in touchpad, you can customize or reset touchpad gestures from the Settings app.
[mai mult...]Turn off Touchpad When Mouse Plugged in to Your Windows 11 Laptop
If you prefer to use a mouse instead of touchpad, you can configure Windows 11 to automatically disable touchpad when an external mouse is plugged in. In this tutorial we’ll walk you through the easy steps to turn off touchpad when a mouse is connected on your Windows 11 laptop.
[mai mult...]Windows 10 Opens Right-Click Context Menu to Left Side
In Windows 10, the right-click context menu will open to the left side of the cursor as default. If you’re accustomed to seeing the context menu on the right side, you can tweak this behavior easily.
[mai mult...]Rename Files Sequentially on Windows
Do you have multiple files you need to rename?
[mai mult...]Autentificarea cu doi factori linkedin
Verificarea in doi pasi – cunoscuta si ca 2FA – este un proces de securitate care foloseste doua etape in verificarea identitatii unei persoane care incearca sa acceseze un serviciu (e-mail, retea sociala, proces bancar, etc.). Acest proces se numeste si verificare in doi pasi si presupune existenta a minim doi dintre acesti trei factori de autentificare: un factor de cunoastere (username/parola/pin), un factor de posesie (un device) si un factor de inerenta (amprenta, recunoastere faciala/retina).
In urmatorul articol regasiti pasii pentru activarea verificarii in doi factori pentru platforma LinkedIn.
[mai mult...]How to Disconnect Your iPhone From a Mac
If you use an iPhone alongside your Mac, both devices almost always communicate with each other in one way or another. That’s what makes the Apple ecosystem so seamless and unique. But if you want to disconnect your iPhone from a Mac, there are lots of different ways to do it.
[mai mult...]How to Change the Microphone or Speakers to Use on Mac
There are several ways to change the audio input and output settings on your Mac to use a different microphone or set of speakers.
[mai mult...]How to Write an ISO File to USB from the Internet With Etcher
Sometimes, you won’t have the ISO file on your computer. Instead, it will be available as a downloadable file. Rather than download it to your computer first, you can instruct Etcher to grab the file directly from the internet and write to your USB or SD card.
[mai mult...]How to write an ISO file to USB with Etcher
If you need to install an operating system from USB or flash storage, you first need to copy the ISO image file to the media. But simply copying the old-fashioned way isn’t enough. You need the ISO file to be bootable, and for that, you need dedicated ISO file writing software.
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