Recuperare date RAID1 Software

Si ati ajuns la concluzia ca, pe Linux, este cateodata mai bine sa aveti o matrice RAID1 configurata software decat folosind un controler. Avantaje? Nu dati banii pe controler, in conditiile in care un controler sub 500 EUR face aceeasi treaba pana la urma ca si un RAID software, si aveti acces fizic la hdd-uri si deci la informatiile SMART

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Formatare SSD in Linux

SSD-ul are alta aranjare si ratiune de functionare decat un HDD normal, in primul rand atunci cand scrie data in sectoarele sale face mai multe operatiuni.
Sectoarele unui SSD sunt mult mai mari decat la un HDD normal, de obicei ajungand si la 512KB. Ca sa scrie ceva in ele sau sa stearga va copia cei 512KB si ii va rescrie cu modificarile aferente.

Din cauza ratiunilor de mai sus se recomanda o schema de formatare complet diferita sub Linux. Necesitatea schimbarii este evidenta mai ales din cauza vitezei net superioare, dar mai ales pentru securitatea datelor.

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Eroare autentificare tichete Kerberos

Avem eroarea: The Kerberos client received a KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED error from the server sbpc128$. The target name used was cifs/sbnb018.scandia.local. This indicates that the target server failed to decrypt the ticket provided by the client. This can occur when the target server principal name (SPN) is registered on an account other than the account the target service is using. Please ensure that the target SPN is registered on, and only registered on, the account used by the server. This error can also happen when the target service is using a different password for the target service account than what the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) has for the target service account. Please ensure that the service on the server and the KDC are both updated to use the current password. If the server name is not fully qualified, and the target domain (SCANDIA.LOCAL) is different from the client domain (SCANDIA.LOCAL), check if there are identically named server accounts in these two domains, or use the fully-qualified name to identify the server.

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