Sometimes you need to set up a Windows device for one specific purpose. An internet kiosk for the company’s reception, for example, or a laptop to power Spotify for the music in a venue.
[mai mult...]How to move Taskbar to second monitor on Windows 10
How to move Taskbar to second monitor on Windows 10 to ease your work?
[mai mult...]Enable Slide to Shutdown
How to enable slide to shutdown?
[mai mult...]Move or install apps on another drive
We want to move / install applications on another drive. How can we do that?
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Sideload non-Store Apps in Windows 10
How can i install non-Store applications?
[mai mult...]Quickly access Emoji Keyboard
How do we do when we want access to the keyboard with emoticons?
[mai mult...]Limitati utilizarea unui cont pe PC-ul Windows
Cum procedam in situatia in care dorim sa limitam utilizarea unui user pe PC-ul Windows.
[mai mult...]Comenzi rapide in Run
Economisiti timp şi mergeti direct la o anumita setare din Windows 10 ,folosind fereastra de comanda rapida Run.
[mai mult...]Vedeti parola WiFi daca ati uitat-o
Cum putem vedea parola WiFi, in cazul in care am uitat-o.
[mai mult...]How to create run command for any program you wish
If you want to start a program fast/automate you need to fallow the next steps
[mai mult...]