Avem un folder pe care dorim să îl redirecționăm către un alt folder. Cum facem asta?
[mai mult...]Hide folder completely by Command Prompt
We have a folder we want to protect. Hide it using the command prompt.
[mai mult...]Stop Windows 10 using 4G data
Windows 10 often uses your internet bandwidth invisibly in the background which can play havoc with your data allowance if you’re using a portable hotspot.
[mai mult...]How do we permanently delete deleted data?
How to permanently remove deleted data so that software such as” Recuva ” ,can not undo the deletion of files/folders.
[mai mult...]Cum iti alegi ce se intampla cu laptopul cand ii inchizi capacul
Cum procedam atunci cand vrem sa conectam un monitor/TV la laptop si inchidem capacul, iar acesta poate intra in standby, in hibernare sau se poate inchide de tot – shut down?
[mai mult...]Criptati fisierele utilizand Command Prompt
Cum criptam fisierele utilizand Command Prompt?
[mai mult...]