Cum se dezactiveaza Imessage pe IPhone
[mai mult...]How to Insert a Copyright or Trademark Symbol in Word
Cum se adauga simbolurile de copyright si trademark in Word
[mai mult...]How to Disable Windows 10’s Tabs From Showing in Alt+Tab
Cum sa vezi doar windows-ul cand apesi Alt+Tab.
[mai mult...]How to Disable Screen Time Weekly Report Notifications on iPhone or iPad
Cum poti dezactiva Screen Time pe IOS.
[mai mult...]How to Enable a Windows 8-Style Start Screen in Windows 10
Cum sa punem Windows 8 start screen la Windows 10
[mai mult...]How to Change Your Default Card in Apple Pay on iPhone
Schimbare card in ApplePay.
[mai mult...]Run DLL error message/background container.dll
Windows 10 start button not working
Butonul de start al windows-ului nu porneste.
[mai mult...]