The default slide size (16:9) in Google Slides works for most situations, but you may occasionally want to change the aspect ratio depending on the situation. There are a few presets, but you can also customize the slide size.
[mai mult...]How to pin the downloads button to Microsoft Edge toolbar
The Downloads feature in Microsoft Edge it only shows up in the toolbar when you’re downloading something. Here’s how to pin the Downloads button to the Microsoft Edge toolbar so that you can always find it.
[mai mult...]How to change mouse pointer size and style in windows 11
If your mouse cursor is too hard to see comfortably, Windows 11 provides several ways to make it stand out. You can make the mouse pointer larger, invert it, or change its color.
[mai mult...]How to stop windows 11 from showing edge tabs when pressing Alt+Tab
By default, pressing Alt+Tab in Windows 11 will show thumbnails of both open application windows and all tabs open in the Microsoft Edge browser.
[mai mult...]How to block someone on WhatsApp on iOS
If you want to block a phone number in WhatsApp on iOS here is what you need to do.
[mai mult...]How to send iMessage effects
If you want to send iMessage effects here is how you can do it.
[mai mult...]How to Send Disappearing Photos and Videos in WhatsApp
If you want to send disappearing messages on WhatsApp here is how you can do it.
[mai mult...]How to use FaceTime for Windows or Android
Apple opened up FaceTime in iOS 15, iPadOS 15, and macOS 12 to be able to video call people on other platforms, including Android. Apple didn’t release a FaceTime app for Windows. Instead, anyone with an iPhone, iPad, or Mac can create invite links that work with Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge on Windows.
[mai mult...]How to create a custom show in PowerPoint
If you have a lengthy PowerPoint presentation but want to display a subset of slides from it, you can create a Custom Show. This lets you present a mini slideshow on its own or a link to one for specific parts of your presentation.
[mai mult...]How to turn off app tracking on new apps on iOS
From iOS 14.5 you can not disable apps tracking your data.
[mai mult...]