Test your DNS server’s speed/response time

A DNS server (Domain Name Server) will translate a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to an IP address. In short, if you go to google.com, this request will first be sent to a DNS server. This DNS server will check the IP address which corresponds with this FQDN and will sent back a reply: the IP address of the server which hosts this website.

It is important to have a fast and reliable DNS servers set up for your device as you will probably visit hundreds of websites on a daily basis or even more. So each time you visit a website, your browser or the application you use will have to lookup a domain name’s IP address. So you want this process to be quick and without any errors.

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How to Test DNS Server Response Time to Troubleshoot Site Speed

When it comes to decreasing your website’s load times, one aspect that’s often overlooked is your DNS and how quickly it responds.

DNS (Domain Name System) is the part of your server setup that translates your domain to the IP address of your site.

Without it, users would need to remember the long string of numbers of your IP to visit your website instead of a user-friendly address.

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Ce este Git si GitHub?

Git sau GitHub este din ce in ce mai utilizat si cerut de toti angajatorii.  Reprezinta un software ce te ajuta la versionarea codului tau. Spre exemplu, daca vrei sa construiesti pe baza a ceea ce ai lucrat pana acum sau sa aduci si alte persoane care sa contribuie la munca ta, nu poti tine codul pe calculatorul tau pentru ca va deveni dificil ca si altii sa acceseze si sa lucreze cu ceea ce tu ai facut pana la momentul respectiv.

Creatorul Linux, pe numele lui Linus Torvalds, este cel care s-a gandit la o metoda de versionare a codului, in momentul in care a considerat ca este nevoie ca mai multi programatori sa lucreze la versiunea sa de Linux.

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Learn How to Report a Message as Spam to Yahoo Mail

Yahoo! Mail has spam filters, so most unsolicited messages are placed in the Spam folder automatically. Even so, once in a while spam makes it to your Yahoo! Mail inbox. This may be annoying, but it is your chance to improve the Yahoo! Mail spam filters.

If you report the spam to Yahoo! Mail, the company modifies its filters to catch that particular type of spam in the future.

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3 lucruri surprinzatoare pe care le poti face cu Java. Invata Programare in Java

Conform ultimelor studii, Java este in prezent cel mai popular limbaj de programare.Cand te gandesti la Java, in majoritatea cazurilor, iti vin in minte idei de construire a serverelor de aplicatii, teste de unitate, aplicatii mobile, aplicatii desktop, aplicatii pentru intreprinderi, etc. Desigur, acestea sunt cateva exemple bune dar lista nu acopera intreaga gama incredibila de posibilitati ale acestui limbaj

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Add-on board brings BACnet building control to the Raspberry Pi

Contemporary Controls is launching a “BASpi” Raspberry Pi add-on that supports the BACnet building control standard and Sedona Framework, and provides 6x relay outputs and 6x inputs, including analog, temp, contact closure, pulse, and resistance inputs.

Home automation is a new phenomenon compared to more established building automation technology, which largely follows the BACnet(Building Automation Control network) standard. We have seen various Linux-ready IoT products that offer some BACnet support, including Echelon’s IzoT Router. However, Contemporary Controls’ new BASpi Raspberry Pi 3 add-on board is the first product we’ve seen that is specifically designed for the standard.

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Raspberry Pi add-on targets openHAB users

The $68 “ionware sdk1” is a home automation controller board add-on for the Raspberry Pi Zero W with 7x universal inputs and 7x digital outputs plus a OpenHABian Linux stack with graphical Ladder Logic programming.

A startup called ionware has launched an ionware starter development kit 1 home automation add-on board for the Raspberry Pi Zero W aimed at STEM students and IoT makers. The controller board runs an “ion server” stack with openHABian Linux, which provides easy setup for the open source, privacy friendly openHAB home automation stack.


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Ce este VoIP si cum se trimite Traficul de Voce prin Internet ?

In Internet exista 3 categorii principale de trafic:
1) Traficul de Date
2) Traficul de Voce
3) Traficul Video

Pana acum am, marea majoritate a discutiilor noastre a avut legatura cu traficul de Date. Acum a venit momentul sa trecem mai departe si sa vorbim si despre traficul de Voce, respectiv video pentru ca acestea vor domina in urmatorii ani Internetul.

Traficul video a crescut de la an la an si se preconizeaza ca in urmatorii ani acesta va ajunge la 80% din banda generata in Internet.

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