Forward din powershell catre o adresa din exterior Exchange
Dorim sa facem forwardarea din Exchange catre o adresa din extern.
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
Dorim sa facem forwardarea din Exchange catre o adresa din extern.
[mai mult...]Forwardarea din exchange cate o adresa externa
[mai mult...]Sa presupunem ca avem o lista in Sharepoint Online in care se tine o evidenta ce are la baza anumite documente; astfel dorim ca fiecare inregistrare din lista noastra sa aiba si documentul de referinta atasat.
[mai mult...]Sa presupunem ca avem un site in Sharepoint Online in care avem alocate permisiunile standard de Read/Edit sau Full control. In acelasi timp, vrem sa alocam anumite permisiuni unor utilizatori doar pe anumite resurse din acel site/subsite/librarie.
[mai mult...]In order to do this, you have to go in active Directory Users and Computers, find the group for which you want to send as, go to Properties, Security tab, and click on Advanced.
Now, find the user to which you want to give permisssions to, or add it to the group if you haven`t done that already, and click on Edit.
On the new window check the Send as box , click OK, and then Apply. Keep in mind that this can take up to 48h to take effect, and it`s recommended to do so.
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