Dacă se dorește salvarea permanentă a variabilei $PATH va fi nevoie de scrierea comenzii export a variabilei în fișierul de sistem .bashrc. Acesta stabilește calea de fiecare dată când va fi deschisă o nouă sesiune SSH.
fdisk also known as format disk is a dialog-driven command in Linux used for creating and manipulating disk partition table. It is used for the view, create, delete, change, resize, copy and move partitions on a hard drive using the dialog-driven interface.
fdisk allows you to create a maximum of four primary partitions and the number of logical partition depends on the size of the hard disk you are using. It allows the user:
-To Create space for new partitions.
-Organizing space for new drives.
-Re-organizing old drives.
-Copying or Moving data to new disks(partitions).
Intampinati o problema cand vreti sa va apucati de treaba, iar sistemul nu mai porneste. Trebuie urmati pasii de mai jos, inclusiv si la alte sisteme de operare Linux.
The sudo command provides a mechanism for granting administrator privileges, ordinarily only available to the root user, to normal users. This guide will show you the easiest way to create a new user with sudo access on Ubuntu, without having to modify your server’s sudoers file. If you want to configure sudo for an existing user, simply skip to step 3.