iPhone 270 Solutii
Securitate si criptare dispozitive 14 Solutii
Sincronizare si migrare de date 11 Solutii
Instalare si configurare aplicatii specifice 77 Solutii
Configurare cont email 10 Solutii
Optimizare si curatare OS 10 Solutii
Windows Phone 24 Solutii
Android 470 Solutii
BlackBerry 16 Solutii
How to add a bookmark in Game Launcher?
[mai mult...]Configurarea unui Wallpaper Dinamic pe iPhone: metoda continuă de schimbare a fundalului
Actualizarea revoluționară a iOS 16 pentru telefoanele Apple: S-a terminat monotonia unei singure imagini de fundal. Acum, prin această metodă, imaginea de fundal se va modifica la fiecare activare a ecranului prin butonul On/Off, atunci când dispozitivul este blocat.
[mai mult...]Request system commit server queue cleanup for Junos OS
Request system commit server queue cleanup for Junos OS.
[mai mult...]How to Optimize Multiple Stops Into a Round Trip on Google Maps
When you have a handful of stops to make, you don’t want to waste time and gas going from place to place randomly. A tool called “Routora” makes finding efficient routes super easy, and it works with Google Maps.
Organizing stops into a route that makes sense can be cumbersome in Google Maps. First, you have to find all the places on the map, then map out the best order in which to make the stops. Routora allows you to simply enter all your stops in Google Maps, then click a button to have it sorted and optimized cleanly. From there, you can send the directions to your phone and go on your way.
How to Unsync iPhone From iPad
Device syncing is a slick experience built into Apple’s ecosystem. However, there can be instances where you might want to unsync your iPhone from your iPad, whether for privacy reasons, data management, or simply wanting different experiences on different devices.
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