How to Change the Alarm Volume on iPhone
Is your iPhone’s alarm volume too quiet or too loud for you?
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
Is your iPhone’s alarm volume too quiet or too loud for you?
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[mai mult...]Vom presupune ca ati achizitionat de la magazin casti bluetooth E7S si doriti sa le conectati la telefonul dumneavoastra iPhone.
[mai mult...]Instagram e o unealta foarte utila sa iti faci cunoscuta afacerea si pune la dispozitie multe ustensile foarte folositoare pentru creatorii de continut sau pentru companii. Putem vedea statistici atat pentru profil, cat si pentru fiecare postare in parte.
[mai mult...]Instagram pentru afaceri este o modalitate eficienta si usor de folosit, pentru a te face cunoscut ca persoana fizica sau ca si companie.Reclamele pe aceasta platforma ajung foarte usor la oameni, din moment ce majoritatea oamenilor au un cont pe Instagram pe care il folosesc activ.
[mai mult...]If you’d like to manually specify your PC’s time, use the built-in Settings option to do that.
On the “Date & Time” page that opens, make sure both “Set Time Automatically” and “Set Time Zone Automatically” options are disabled.
Beneath “Set the Date and Time Manually,” click “Change.”
You’ll see a “Change Date and Time” window. Here, click the current date and time options and set them to your choice. When that’s done, at the bottom, click “Change.”
Your PC now uses your newly-specified time, and you’re all set.
If you don’t wish to use the manually-specified time on your PC, you can get Windows 10 to automatically adjust the clock. Your PC syncs with Microsoft’s time servers to fetch the current time for your region.
This feature should be enabled by default, but you or another user may have disabled it in the past. To enable it again, first, open Settings by pressing Windows+i. On the Settings window, click “Time & Language.”
On the “Date & Time” page, turn on both “Set Time Automatically” and “Set Time Zone Automatically” options.