
How to install YubiKey Manager GUI on Linux

One can use a hardware security key such as YubiKey for OTP or FIDO2 for additional security on Linux to protect disks, ssh keys, password manager, web applications and more. The YubiKey Manager is available as both GUI and CLI too. One can use it for finding information about YubiKey, such as:

  1. Seeing the serial number and firmware version of your YubiKey
  2. Configuring FIDO2 PIN, FIDO applications, the OTP application
  3. Manage YubiKey short and long slots
  4. Enable and disable interfaces.


Be careful with a particular option such as reset, which will delete all FIDO config, and it will lock you down using remote services or ssh keys.

Visit this page to grab the latest AppImage. One can use the wget command or curl command to download both AppImage and verification signature file. For instance:
$ wget \

Step 2 – Verify YubiKey Manager for Linux using the gpg

Type the following gpg command to verify signature:
$ gpg --verify yubikey-manager-qt-1.2.4b-linux.AppImage.sig

Here is what I saw on my machine:

gpg: assuming signed data in 'yubikey-manager-qt-1.2.4b-linux.AppImage'
gpg: Signature made Wed 10 AUG 2022 11:32:21 AM IST
gpg:                using RSA key E6919ABF48C484E3CB7B71CB870B88256690D8DC
gpg: Can't check signature: No public key

Let us grab the RSA key E6919ABF48C484E3CB7B71CB870B88256690D8DC. Edit your gpg.conf, run:
$ vi ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf
Append / edit (at least set Keyserver):

keyserver hkps://

Save and close the file. Then get the key:
$ gpg --recv-keys E6919ABF48C484E3CB7B71CB870B88256690D8DC
$ gpg --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys E6919ABF48C484E3CB7B71CB870B88256690D8DC

Step 3 – Installing YubiKey Manager

Now that you verified the downloaded file, it is time to install it. Simply copy file to /usr/local/bin directory or your ~/bin/ using the cp command. For example:

sudo cp -v yubikey-manager-qt-1.2.4b-linux.AppImage /usr/local/bin/
## OR  ##
mkdir -p ~/bin/ && cp -v yubikey-manager-qt-1.2.4b-linux.AppImage ~/bin/


'yubikey-manager-qt-1.2.4b-linux.AppImage' -> '/home/vivek/bin/yubikey-manager-qt-1.2.4b-linux.AppImage'

Next, set up executable permission using the chmod command:

sudo chmod -v +x /usr/local/bin/yubikey-manager-qt-1.2.4b-linux.AppImage
## OR  ##
chmod -v +x ~/bin/yubikey-manager-qt-1.2.4b-linux.AppImage


mode of ‘/home/vivek/bin/yubikey-manager-qt-1.2.4b-linux.AppImage’ changed from 0664 (rw-rw-r–)

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Securitate: Cum protejam routerul (encriptii pe WI-FI si parole)

Suntem vulnerabili in fata hackerilor, de fiecare data cand noi sau membrii familiei conectati la aceeasi retea, cautam informatii prin intermediul Internetului.

De ce este nevoie sa protejam routerul la care suntem conectati?

Persoanele rau intentionate se pot conecta la datele retelei si pot avea acces la parole, identitate, fotografii,date personale, etc.

Ce modificari putem face pentru ca routerul sa fie mai protejat:

  • Prin setarea unei parole complexe, unice. Hackerii încearcă să obțină acces la dispozitive, cu parolele implicite.
  • Asigura-te ca butonul WPS de la router nu este apasat pentru ca acest lucru va face conectarea mult mai usoara a altor persoane la reteaua ta, fara a fi necesara introducerea parolei.
  • Firmware-ul-“controlorul” routerului va trebui actualizat de fiecare data la ultima versiune a sa pentru imbunatatirea functionalitatii.
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So we’ve rounded up some third-party software to help. This list is focused on applications that support the Ext4 file system, which most new Linux distributions use by default. These applications all support Ext2 and Ext3, too—and one of them even supports ReiserFS.

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We’ll cover two ways to do this here: A convenient trick that works in all operating systems with applications you already have, and the official method that requires Adobe Acrobat. Both methods assume you know the password to the encrypted PDF file. Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to remove a password if you don’t know it.

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