Remove change password folosind Group Policy pentru useri in Windows server 2012
Din motive de securitate putem alege sa nu dam voie userilor dintr-o organizatie sa-si schimbe parola userului de domeniu. Pentru a nu pierde timp dezactivand aceasta functie indvidual, vom folosi Group Policy Management.
[mai mult...]Cum sa rulati DxDiag si ce informatii va ofera acesta (valabil pentru Windows 10)
Daca doriti sa aflati ce componente (ex: procesor, placa video) contine computerul dumneavoastra puteti rula programul DxDiag.exe
[mai mult...]Resetare multifunctional Canon Pixma MP250
Cand nu mai functioneaza imprimanta corespunzator.
[mai mult...]Can`t open hyperlinks from outlook
Sometimes,when you change you default Browser, you may get the following error while opening hyperlinks from Outlook, which appears due to invalid registry entrys.
There is a very simple mwthod to fix this error.
Close all Internet Explorer windows if you have any open to make sure that you don`t have any hidden processes running and rerun it. After that, press Alt and go to Tools tab and Internet Options.
In the new window, go to Advanced tab and click on Reset… button, and Reset again in the newly opened window.
Close the browser, your Outlook client if it`s open, after which you can reopen it and rerun the hyperlinks.
[mai mult...]Cum sa blocam pop-up-uri pe Chrome
Pentru a bloca pop-up-uri in Chrome, putem folosi extensia Poper Blocker. Pasii de urmat pentru a instala extensia sunt urmatorii:
[mai mult...]