Server Windows

Politica de grup 6 Solutii

Active Directory 16 Solutii

Basic 18 Solutii

DNS 4 Solutii

How to send email on behalf of a Distribution Group

In order to do this, you have to go in active Directory Users and Computers, find the group for which you want to send as, go to Properties, Security tab, and click on Advanced.













Now, find the user to which you want to give permisssions to, or add it to the group if you haven`t done that already, and click on Edit.

On the new window check the Send as box , click OK, and then Apply. Keep in mind that this can take up to 48h to take effect, and it`s recommended to do so.


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Cum sa scrii un “Batch Script” in Windows

Stii sa utilizezi Command Prompt? Daca da, poti sa scrii un fisier batch. Intr-o descriere simpla, un fisier batch sau un batch script, este o lista cu multe comenzi ce sunt executate in momentul in care dai dublu click pe fisierul respectiv. Aceste scripturi functioneaza atat in DOS cat si in cele mai moderne sisteme de operare WINDOWS.

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