Setare utilizatori de tip user pentru acces remote desktop in Windows 2008/2012 Server

Ne lovim uneori de necesitatea de a ne conecta remote desktop la un server, dar bineinteles, unii useri nu ar trebui sa aiba rol de administrator, pentru a putea face acest lucru, stiut fiind faptul ca userii de tip administrator au implicit acces remote desktop.

Nu voi intra in detaliu, despre ce anume trebuie facut ca serverul sa poata fi contactat remote(port forwarding, activare acces remote), ci pur si simplu doar pasii de a da drepturi de conectare remote desktop unui utilizator cu drepturi de user.

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Configurarea BgInfo și implementarea utilizând Politica de grup in Windows 2012

BgInfo este un instrument foarte util care vă permite să aveți un Wallpaper de fundal care prezintă câteva informații despre sistemul dvs. De obicei, aceasta economisește timp atunci când colectezi detalii despre sistemele pe care le gestionezi sau când rezolvă probleme legate de acestea.

Pentru a aplica centralizat BgInfo pe conturile administrative pe care le utilizați, puteți pur și simplu să utilizați un script de logare pentru  politica de grup . Următoarea abordare arată cum se poate face acest lucru.

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How to Remove Shut Down, Restart, Sleep and Hibernate buttons from windows by using GPO on Windows Server 2012

Press Start and type gpmc to start Group Policy Management Console and press Enter.

In the new window, right click either on your domain, or on the OU for which you want to apply the policy to and click on Create a GPO in this domain, as in the following image, and type the name you want for it.












Now, all you need to do is to right click on your newly created GPO,click Edit, and scroll to the following setting:

User Configuration>Policies>Administrative Templates: Policy definitions>Start Menu and Taskbar, look for the Remove and prevent access to the Shut Down,Restart,Sleep, and Hibernate commands, double click on it, choose Enable and click on Apply.After applying this GPO, the only way to do any of those operations is by using either 3rd party software or by using scripts/cmd commands.










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How to give ShutDown rights only to certain users/groups using GPO in Windows Server 2012

Press Start and type gpmc to start Group Policy Management Console and press Enter.

In the new window, right click either on your domain, or on th OU for which you want to apply the policy to and click on Create a GPO in this domain, as in the following image, and type the name you want for it.













Next step is to right click on the newly created GPO and choose Edit, and in the GPME window scroll down to Computer Configuration>Policies>Windows Settings>Security Settings>Local Policies>User RIghts Assignment and look for the Shut down the system option on the right side of the screen, double tap it and add the Users or Groups to which you want to give shut down rights.

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