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How to Import Data From a PDF to Microsoft Excel

If you have a PDF document such as a bank statement or financial report, you may want to pull this information into Microsoft Excel. With a built-in feature, you can easily import and automatically convert a PDF to Excel. This convenient feature can save you from hunting down a PDF file converter. Not only that, but it allows you to pick and choose the data from the file you want to import.

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Activare Dark Mode in Evernote

Evernote este o aplicatie populara folosita pentru a lua note, a organiza sarcini si a seta memento-uri. Ne permite sa luam note prin scriere de mana, desen, salvare de continut web si fotografiere. Toate notele pe care le stocati In Evernote vor fi stocate in cloud si accesate din orice parte a lumii folosind aplicatia/site-ul web. Notele pot fi sub forma de text, imagini, fotografii si fisiere audio.
La lansare, Evernote a avut doar un fundal alb, insa la cererea utilizatorilor a fost introdus modul Intunecat pentru a reduce oboseala ochilor.

Pentru a activa Dark Mode in Evernote se vor parcurge pasii de mai jos.

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How to set up Windows Hello facial recognition on Windows 11

On Windows 11, you can securely sign in without taking anything on the screen using your face with the Windows Hello facial recognition feature. Windows Hello has been around for a number of years, and it’s a feature that offers several ways to ditch your password in favor of a more secure method of authentication, such as PIN, fingerprint, and face.

Although you can enable and configure the feature on virtually any device, you still need special hardware if you don’t want to use a PIN. For instance, fingerprint authentication requires a fingerprint reader, and the facial recognition option requires an infrared or Intel RealSense camera.

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