Inserare screenshot in Microsoft Excel
Este foarte simplu sa facem un screenshot al oricarui program deschis, pe care apoi sa il inseram in sheet-ul nostru.
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
Este foarte simplu sa facem un screenshot al oricarui program deschis, pe care apoi sa il inseram in sheet-ul nostru.
[mai mult...]Sa presupunem ca in fisierul nostru Excel avem mai multe sheet-uri si din varii motive dorim sa ascundem unul dintre ele. Acest lucru este foarte simplu dupa cum o sa vedeti in pasii de mai jos.
[mai mult...]Sa presupunem ca din varii motive avem de introdus aceeasi valoare in diverse randuri si coloane ale fisierului nostru. Exista mai multe modalitati pentru a face acest lucru, dar astazi va voi arata cum sa duceti task-ul de mai sus la bun sfarsit folosind combinatia de taste Ctrl+Enter.
[mai mult...]When someone in your contacts signs up for Signal, you’ll see a message saying that person joined Signal. Now you know you can contact them on Signal. If you’d rather not see these notifications, you can disable them.
Signal uses phone numbers as addresses you can reach people at. When a phone number in your contacts signs up for Signal, you’ll see a notification telling you they’re reachable on Signal. The name associated with that person comes from the contact information saved on your phone. To hide these alerts, open the Signal app on your iPhone or Android phone. Tap your profile picture or username initials shown at the top-left corner of the Signal conversation list.
Tap “Notifications” on the Signal settings menu screen.
Under Events, tap the slider to the right of “Contact Joined Signal” to disable these contact-join notifications.
That’s it—Signal won’t let you know when your friends, family members, coworkers, or other contacts join in the future. The Signal app will still know, of course. If you tap the “New Message” icon, you’ll see all your contacts who are on Signal, ready to be contacted.
There’s no way from preventing Signal from informing people when you join. If someone has your phone number in their contacts, Signal will let them know that phone number has joined Signal. This has nothing to do with whether you allow Signal access to your own contacts.
The only way to prevent this is to use a secondary phone number. Signal is designed to work with phone numbers and to be an easy-to-use replacement for SMS, which is why it works this way. If you want a chat service that doesn’t use phone numbers as identifiers—for example, if you would prefer usernames that don’t expose your phone number—Signal isn’t the app for you.
[mai mult...]Signal might focus on privacy and encryption, but it includes rich features found in other messaging apps like WhatsApp and iMessage. One such feature is link previews. Here’s how to turn link previews on or off, including on a per-message basis.
To generate link previews, the Signal app uses a privacy-enhancing proxy—the site you’re previewing never even sees your IP address. Link previews are supported on all sites that include HTTPS encryption.
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