How to enable battery saver for Opera browser
Opera has an integrated battery saver feature in it. Check the steps below to see how you can use the Opera browser longer while you are on battery.
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
Opera has an integrated battery saver feature in it. Check the steps below to see how you can use the Opera browser longer while you are on battery.
[mai mult...]It’s easy for video conferences to feel overwhelming when there are a lot of people on the call. “Breakout Rooms” is a feature in Google Meet that makes it easy to divide into small groups. “Breakout Rooms,” which can also be found in Zoom, is the same concept as working in small groups in a real-life office or classroom. You can all gather in the main conference call, break out into smaller rooms for a while, and then reconvene. This all happens in the same meeting.
[mai mult...]Are you overwhelming yourself with the number of tabs you have open in Safari? Using the “Tab Groups” that arrived with iOS 15 and iPadOS 15, you can organize them so your browser stays nice and tidy. Similar to how tab groups work in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, you can group several tabs together and give them a label. This allows you to easily find and pull up your tabs again when you need them without cluttering up your view.
[mai mult...]Microsoft Teams is an incredibly popular choice for a communications platform, but what if you just want to make a simple voice call with your team? RingCentral integrates directly into Teams to give you the best of both worlds: a first-class VoIP system that works alongside Microsoft Teams.
RingCentral has been around for a long time as a great VoIP phone system for small businesses and a powerful fax service, and they’ve recently started offering their video call system as a standalone product, which is really worth a look.
[mai mult...]In timpul unei videoconferinte sau a unui webinar, cand avem pornita o prezentare cu Google Slides putem sa beneficiem de functia Q&A session integrata in aplicatia Google Slides.
[mai mult...]Dacă doriti sa reasociati fisierele cu programul Office adecvat, trebuie doar sa emiteti cateva comenzi in Command prompt.
[mai mult...]