How to Reset All Audio Settings in Windows 11

To reset all audio devices and volume levels in Windows 11, open Settings and go to System > Sound > Volume Mixer. Look for “Reset Sound Devices and Volumes for All Apps to the Recommended Defaults” and click the “Reset” button.

If you’re PC’s audio isn’t working, or you’d like to bring the sound settings back to the defaults so you can re-customize them, it’s easy to reset all kinds of audio configurations on a Windows 11 computer. We’ll show you how to do just that.

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How to Use Microsoft Word’s Hidden Transcription Feature

Did you know Microsoft Word has a voice transcription feature that lets you upload audio files? You can upload and transcribe unlimited minutes of audio—great for transcribing interviews, meeting minutes, or anything else. It works incredibly well, too.

Word’s Transcribe feature is hidden because it’s not in the version of Microsoft Word you’re probably using. As of April 2023, transcription is only available in Microsoft Word for web—the version of Word you access in a web browser like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari. If you’re using Microsoft Word for Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, or iPad, you won’t find the Transcribe feature anywhere in your Word application.

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Cum protejati un document cu ajutorul LibreOffice

Protejarea unui document prin parola este un pas important in asigurarea confidentialitatii si securitatii informatiilor sensibile sau confidentiale. Aceasta practica impiedica accesul neautorizat la documentul dvs., deoarece doar cei care cunosc parola il pot deschide
Pentru protejarea unui fisier cu ajutorul parolei se vor urma pasii de mai jos:

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Cum transformati automat fisierele incarcate in Google Drive in format Docs

Google Drive este un serviciu de stocare in cloud oferit de Google care permite utilizatorilor sa stocheze, sa partajeze fisiere si foldere cu usurinta. Una dintre caracteristicile Google Drive este capacitatea de a converti automat fisierele incarcate in format Google Docs, care este un instrument popular de procesare de text folosit pentru crearea si editarea documentelor.

Pentru a converti automat fisierele uploadate intr-o extensie dintr-o aplicatie Google se vor urma pasii de mai jos:

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