
Instalare unitate de stocare

Daca dupa ce ati instalat o unitate noua de stocare acesta nu apare in lista de “Devices and drives” din My computer:


Trebuie formatat dupa urmatorii pasi:

My computer->Computer->Manage:

Storage->Disk Management:

Partitia neformatata o sa fie hasurata cu negru->click dreapta pe hasura neagra->new simple volume:

Denumiti partitia,dupa care asteptati sa se termine formatarea.

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Restore the Missing Apps Tab from Adobe Creative Cloud

He apps tab in Adobe Creative Cloud’s desktop application goes missing in two cases; either you are logged in using credentials from your organization or you are using the desktop application as a private user. In the latter, there are a number of causes which bring about this error message including issues like corrupt XML files, incorrect configurations set, incomplete OBE data, and bad installation of the application etc.

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How to Fix: Windows cannot find regedit.exe

Windows cannot find C:\Windows\regedit.exe can happen because of malware infection, corrupted system files, and drivers or corrupted Windows Installation. This error message isn’t limited to any specific OS version and can occur in Windows 10,8, and even 7.

Imagini pentru windows cannot find regedit
Regedit.exe is the file that runs the Registry Editor. The Windows Registry is the brain of the Windows PC. But users may rarely encounter problems in accessing the Registry Editor. This error can be very dangerous as the user is not in control of the system and it can be the starting point of a Malware attack.
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Actualizare / update Teamviewer

Daca pana acum aproximativ un an, oricine avea o versiune mai noua a aplicației Teamviewer, se putea conecta la orice versiune mai veche, începând cu versiunea 14, nu se mai poate realiza acest lucru, Teamviewer afișând eroare de mai jos care releva faptul versiunea trebuie sa fie minim 14 pentru a permite conectarea de la un pc la altul.

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