How to add a new folder in Favorites
You want to add a frequently visited folder in the Favorites section of Windows Explorer. You will follow the steps below.
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
You want to add a frequently visited folder in the Favorites section of Windows Explorer. You will follow the steps below.
[mai mult...]We want to automatically delete files using Total Commander utility.
We will follow the steps bellow.
[mai mult...]Avem eroarea: The time provider ‘VMICTimeProvider’ has indicated that the current hardware and operating environment is not supported and has stopped. This behavior is expected for VMICTimeProvider on non-HyperV-guest environments. This may be the expected behavior for the current provider in the current operating environment as well.
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Aceasta eroare apare din cauza unor fisiere din folderul root al Suitei Office instalata in prezent.
Se poate ca in unele situatii in care dezinstalam Office 2010 (sau o varianta mai veche) si dorim sa instalam o varianta mai noua, unele fisiere din folderul root sa nu se stearga, si ne va aparea mesajul ca Office 2010 este inca instalat. Din acest motiv este posibil sa ne lovim ce aceeasi eroare.
[mai mult...]Avem eroarea: The device driver for the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) encountered a non-recoverable error in the TPM hardware, which prevents TPM services (such as data encryption) from being used. For further help, please contact the computer manufacturer.
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