Stații de lucru

OS - Windows 7887 Solutii

Reguli si plangeri 8 Solutii

OS - OS X 407 Solutii

Reguli de configurare 11 Solutii

Licentiere 18 Solutii

Securitate 176 Solutii

Copie de rezerva (Backup) 68 Solutii

Antivirus 71 Solutii

Aplicatii specifice 4368 Solutii

Hardware 287 Solutii

Utilizarea butonului de power (pornire/oprire) in scopul diverselor remedieri

Butonul de pornire-oprire (in comutatie) prezent pe laptopuri/PC-uri/servere poate fi utilizat si in alte scopuri decat pornire/oprire/sleep/hibernare/inchiderea ecranului (ori alte optiuni puse la dispozitie prin intermediul sistemului de operare ori firmware-ului integrat). In general aplicabilitatea urmatoarei metode se extinde inclusiv la alte dispozitive cu memorie ram (si condensatori), precum smartphone-uri sau imprimante.

Situatiile ce se pot remedia includ, dar nu se limiteaza la urmatoarele exemple:
-tastatura laptop nefunctionala
-tastatura laptop ce raspunde incorect ori greoi la tastele apasate
-ocazional pentru remedieri ce se manifesta prin BSOD
-permite detectarea dispozitivelor/perifericelor/componentelor ce altfel nu ar fi recunoscute (inclusiv anumite SSD-uri, caz in care se recomanda salvarea datelor de pe acestea si inlocuirea cu un model ce nu prezinta acest simptom).

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How to fix “whea_uncorrectable_error” in Windows 10

As we all know too well, sometimes our computers can fail us at the most inconvenient of times. While some faults are easily solved, many can leave you scratching your head and unable to find the root of the issue – and one problem that falls firmly into the latter category is Windows 10’s notorious ‘blue screen of death’.

If you’re unfortunate enough to encounter the BSOD, you may find an accompanying line of text that reads ‘whea_uncorrectable_error’. To the uninitiated, this means very little other than the device has apparently given up the ghost – but it often indicates that the problem is being caused by a hardware malfunction.

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How to Fix “OLE Action Excel” Error in Microsoft Excel

An OLE action is a feature developed by Microsoft that allows different applications to work together. OLE stands for “Object Linking and Embedding.” It lets you use part of a document from one program in another.

Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action. You might have a chart in an Excel spreadsheet that you want to use in a PowerPoint presentation. With OLE, you can copy the chart from Excel and paste it into PowerPoint.

When you do this, the chart is still linked to the original Excel file, so if you make changes to the chart in Excel, those changes will be reflected in the chart in PowerPoint. OLE also allows you to “embed” an object from one program into another. This means that the object is saved inside the program file you’re pasting it into.

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Shortcut accesare date and time din Taskbar in Windows 10

Exact cum v-am obisnuit in ultimele solutii, incerc sa va arat shortcut-uri alternative pentru diverse operatiuni. Poate ca nu le veti folosi foarte des, dar este bine sa stiti ca acestea exista.

Sa presupunem ca vrem sa vedem calendarul din Taskbar pe luna curenta, dar fara a mai fi nevoie sa folosim mouse-ul si tinandu-ne degetele pe tastatura.

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