Cum deschidem File Explorer din Run in Windows 10
Avem mai multe modalitati de a deschide File Explorer-ul, dar cea pe care o sa v-o descriu in pasii de mai jos, desi nu este atat de des folosita, este bine sa stim ca exista.
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
Avem mai multe modalitati de a deschide File Explorer-ul, dar cea pe care o sa v-o descriu in pasii de mai jos, desi nu este atat de des folosita, este bine sa stim ca exista.
[mai mult...]Paint-ul poate fi accesat in mai multe moduri, dar acum va voi arata cum sa il deschideti folosind tool-ul Run.
[mai mult...]The PS5’s cache is an accumulation of data the console keeps to speed up everyday tasks.
[mai mult...]1.Open the Device Manager by typing “devmgmt.msc
” into the Run dialog. Alternatively, you can type “Device Manager” in the Windows search box.
2. Select “Keyboards” from the Device Manager window. This will show a list of all keyboards currently connected to your laptop, including the built-in one.
3. Right-click on the built-in keyboard and tap “Disable” from the context menu.
4. Confirm the decision with a “Yes” in the resulting dialog box.
[mai mult...]With the Heart Reports app by Hungarian software developer, designer and founder Viszt Péter, you can generate a detailed PDF report about your heart based on the data stored in the Health app on your iPhone which you can easily share with your doctor.
It takes advantage of the data captured by your Apple Watch that’s already stored in the Health app, but you can input data manually as well. You decide whether to include graphs, averages, blood pressure and other data in the report.
[mai mult...]