5+ Ways to Free Up Space in Your Computer

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Storage in hard disk and solid state form may be more affordable these days, but that doesn’t mean it’s unlimited. Luckily there are a few ways to free up your precious space:


  • Uninstall unnecessary apps and bloatware

Windows comes with a bunch of applications and features that may be useless to you. Go into the App Settings window, and you’ll be able to remove applications quickly through the menu there. Apps like Mixed Reality can be uninstalled from this menu, but if you want to remove other unused features click Optional features, and you can get rid of items like Windows Media Player or Internet Explorer 11.

  • Temporary Files

Going to Settings > System > Storage, will offer you a chance to see how much space is being taken up by Temporary files or Downloads. Clicking on Temporary Files allows you to get a more granular understanding of the storage usage, and you can select the checkboxes, that apply when you press the “Remove files” button.

  • Disk Cleanup

One extra way to take control of your space is to use Windows built-in Disk Cleanup utility. Disk Cleanup is part of the Windows Administrative Tools folder in your Start Menu, or you can just search for it within the menu. Upon launch, choose the drive to clean up and the application will show all the items you can clean up, from temporary files to thumbnails, and system files like previous Windows installations (and Windows.old folders) and files needed for updates. Select what you want to delete, and hit “OK” to finish the task.

  • OneDrive “Files On-Demand”

Those of you relying on OneDrive can also use a handy feature known as Files On-Demand. While the cloud drive account is handy for saving files in a centralized location, OneDrive also lets you use files in an online-only format, downloading the item when you need it, and deleting the local file when space is low.

To turn this feature on, go to your OneDrive settings, and check the box under Files On-Demand. Then when you see your OneDrive files, they will be presented in three different statuses: blue cloud files are only available online, items with a green checkmark in a white circle are locally stored files that will revert to the cloud when you run short on space, and files with a white checkmark in a green circle are locally stored, which won’t get reverted to the cloud.

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