Cat (concatenate) command is very frequently used in Linux. It reads data from the file and gives its content as output. It helps us to create, view, and concatenate files. So let us see some frequently used cat commands.
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So let us see some frequently used cat commands.
1) To view a single file
cat file_name
Example: If our file_name = jayesh.txt
Note: `ls` command is used to display all files and directories in the current location.
2) To view multiple files
cat file_name1 file_name2
Example: If we have two files , file1 and file2.
cat file1 file2
3) To view contents of a file preceding with line numbers.
cat -n file_name
Example: If our file_name is file2.
cat -n file2
4) Create a file and add content
Example: If we want to create a newfile_name = jayesh1.
cat > jayesh1
`ls` command is used to display all files and directories in the current location.
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