Chessboard Pawn-Pawn game

Configurare noua (How To)


There is a 8*8 chessboard and two chess players having a single pawn each. A player has to move his pawn in each turn, either one step forward or one step diagonally only when this move kills the other pawn. The player who is unable to make any move loses.
Given row and column numbers of white and black pawns. The task is to predict who would win assuming both play optimally. Note that White plays first and a pawn cannot move outside the chessboard.


Pasi de urmat


  • If it’s white pawn’s turn we have to check whether white pawn is on the 8th row then black wins because white pawn has no further move. If its black pawn’s turn then we have to check whether it is on the 1st row then white wins because black pawn has no further move.
  • If it’s white pawn’s turn and black pawn is adjacent diagonally then white pawn will kill black pawn and white pawn wins else white pawn will move one step forward (if not already occupied by the black pawn) else white will lose.
  • If it’s black pawn’s turn and white pawn is adjacent diagonally then black pawn will kill white pawn and black pawn wins else black pawn will move one step forward (if not already occupied by the white pawn) else black will lose.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

// C++ implementation of the approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function that returns true if white wins
bool whiteWins(int rowW, int colW, int rowB, int colB)
int white = 0, black = 0;

while (1) {

// If white can move
if (rowW != 8) {

// If white pawn can kill black pawn
// White wins
if (rowB == rowW + 1
&& (colB == colW – 1 || colB == colW + 1))
return true;

// Make the move forward

// White has no moves
// White loses
return false;

// If black can move
if (rowB != 1) {

// If black pawn can kill white pawn
// White loses
if (rowB == rowW + 1
&& (colB == colW – 1 || colB == colW + 1))
return false;

// Make the move forward

// Black has no moves
// White wins
return true;

// If white has got more moves
if (white > black)
return true;

return false;

// Driver code
int main()
int rowW = 2, colW = 2, rowB = 3, colB = 3;
if (whiteWins(rowW, colW, rowB, colB))
cout << “White”;
cout << “Black”;
return 0;

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