Creare share in powershell si asignare drepturi(Scripting)

Configurare noua (How To)


Dorim sa cream un share si sa dam drepturi tuturor.


Deschidem powershel-ul cu drepturi de admin.

Dupa care rulam urmatorul Script.

function createSmbShare($localPath,$fullAccessAccounts){
        # First, create SMB Share
        $smbShareName=split-path $localPath -leaf
        New-SmbShare -Name $smbShareName -Path $localPath -FullAccess $fullAccessAccounts
        # Second, set NTFS permissions
        $acl = Get-ACL $localPath
        foreach($account in $fullAccessAccounts){
            $allowFullAccesss=New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($account,"Full","Allow")
        Set-Acl $localPath $acl
        write-host "\\$env:computername\$smbShareName has been created with full access granted to these users $fullAccessAccounts"
        write-warning $Error[0].Exception.Message
        return $false
createSmbShare $localPath $fullAccessAccounts
Folder-ul trebuie creat manual, scriptul il share-uieste si ofera permisiuni.

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