Cum poti elimina programe implicite Windows, dezactiva telemetria si multe altele

Configurare noua (How To)


In urma update-urilor recente, e posibil sa fi observat mesaje tip pop-up sau notificari in Action Center care ne anuntau ca aplicatii precum Facebook, Twitter, Candy Crush si alte exemple sunt gata pentru folosire, fiind deja descarcate si instalate pe PC-urile noastre.

Nu numai ca poate nu aveati nevoie de acestea, dar ocupa si mult spatiu inutil, un exemplu fiind Facebook cu aproape ~350MB utilizati.

Pentru a rezolva aceasta situatie, putem folosi Windows 10 DeBloater, un proiect open-source ce ne ofera posibilitatea de a elimina programe implicite, sa dezactivam telemetria si alte functii.


Pasi de urmat

Primul pas consta in descarcarea celor necesare, de – aici.

Dezarhivam, accesam folder-ul creat si dam click dreapta pe fisierul RUN-AS-ADMIN.bat

Mai apoi vom primi o serie de notificari sub forma celei de mai jos, vom apasa Yes/No pe masura ce se deschid noi ferestre.

Recomandarea noastra este sa eliminati sau dezactivati doar ce doriti, componentele sunt descrise cel mai bine chiar pe pagina proiectului. Astfel:

  • RUN-AS-ADMIN.bat
    This is the main file to run. It runs all the other files in the directory, in the proper order.
  • RegistryChanges.reg
    This file changes two registry values, SilentInstalledAppsEnabled and AllowTelemetry. SilentInstalledAppsEnabled allows Windows 10 to install apps like Facebook or Skype without prompting you and without your permission. AllowTelemetry lets Windows collect data about your machine that they claim “enhances the user experience” and it won’t let you turn this off completely. This .reg file sets both of those values to disabled.
  • AllowPowerShellScripts.reg
    By default, you are not allowed to run PowerShell script files. This changes the respective registry key from “restricted” to unrestricted,” allowing those scripts to be run. Don’t worry, it’s disabled again afterwards.
  • RemoveBuiltInPrograms.ps1
    This is a PowerShell script that uninstalls all the bloatware programs that come built in to Windows 10. The full list can be seen in removed-programs.txt, but none of these effect normal use and are rarely ever used on a desktop.
  • DisableTelemetryServices.ps1
    Another PowerShell script, this one disables two telemetry services, Connected User Experiences and dmwappushsvc. Again, these have no effect on Windows and are only used for data collection.
  • DisallowPowerShellScripts.reg
    Since allowing PowerShell scripts to be run is a huge security risk, this file reverses the change made in AllowPowerShellScripts.reg.
  • FinishedMessage.vbs
    Just displays a message telling you the process is completed, nothing fancy.

Odata stabilite ce procese ne intereseaza, apasam Yes sau No pentru a permite modificarile.

Urmat de Ok pentru a trece la urmatorul pas


Ultima fereastra reprezinta o simpla notificare potrivit careia, intreg procesul s-a incheiat.

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