Cum pui un IP fix pe un Synology Data 05/03/2018 Autor Silviu Dr. Categorie File & Sharing, NAS 0 1187 Configurare noua (How To) SituatieDupa ce instalezi un Synoloy este recomandat sa-i pui un IP fix in retea pentru a-l putea accesa usor. Acest lucru se face in felul urmator: Solutie Pasi de urmat 1. Te loghezi in Synology si deschizi Control Panel. 2. Se intra in Network. 3. Din taburile de sus se alege Network Interface. 4. Se selecteaza placa de retea si se apasa butonul Edit. 5. Se bifeaza Use manual configuration. 6. Se completeaza IP address, Subnet mask, Gateway si DNS Server si apoi se apasa OK. Tip solutiePermanent Etichetare: askitaskit.roControl PanelCum pui un IP fix pe un SynologyGateway si DNS ServerIP AddressIp FixNAS SynologyNetwork InterfaceSubnet MaskSynologyUse manual configuration Voteaza Up Down (30 din 60 persoane apreciaza acest articol) ShareTweetShare Despre Autor Silviu Dr. Solutii Asemanatoare Exchange user Mailboxes and shared mailboxes 2 How to open a 7z file 1 Exchange 2010 localhost\ecp HTTP ERROR 503 -1 Eroare certificat la conexiune RDP 8 How to Fix the Exception Breakpoint Has Been Reached Error in Windows 11 -6 Vmware tools error -2 Leave A Comment? × Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. − two = seven
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