Cum sa sortezi mail-urile din Draft in ordine cronologica Data 09/05/2019 Autor Razvan Bur Categorie E-mail -6 678 Configurare noua (How To) SituatieAtunci cand vrei sa sortezi mail-urile din Draft dupa ordinea cronologica, pentru ati usura cautarea poti urma procedura de mai jos. Solutie Pasi de urmat In aplicatia de Outlook mergi la tabul View->View Settings Apoi la Sort Si in ultimul pas in noua fereastra poti selecta ordinea in care vrei sa fie sortate mailurile. Tip solutiePermanent Voteaza Up Down (12 din 30 persoane apreciaza acest articol) Share12TweetShare Despre Autor Razvan Bur Solutii Asemanatoare Migrate Exchange to Exchange with Outlook -2 Add a domain in Office 365 2 How to enable email encryption in Office 365 3 How to enable Azure Active Directory security defaults in Office 365 -2 Use a boarding pass, ticket, or other pass in Apple Wallet 1 How to customize what you see in Control Center 2 Leave A Comment? × Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. two + three =
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