When trying to access the download folder and it becomes unresponsive,the problem is likely somewhere inside but how do you remove it from the download folder if it freezes when trying to access it?
Delete files in Downloads
Folders open more slowly when they include lots of files. Some files in Downloads might even crash explorer when you try to open the folder.
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1. Go to this website: and download the tool.
Open Autodelete’s setup wizard to add the software to Windows.
Open the Cyber-D Autodelete.
2. Click Add Folders to select the Downloads directory.
Then click Date Filters to open the filter settings shown directly below
You can configure Autodelete to erase files older than a month by dragging the days bar right to 30 days. Then Autodelete will delete all files saved in Downloads for longer than a month.
Press the Save button, and then click Yes to delete the files.
This will solve the problem with the unresponsive download folder.