Excel VBA MsgBox

Configurare noua (How To)


VBA MsgBox function is like an output function used to display the generalized message provided by the developer. It is like a print statement. This function or statement has no arguments. The personalized messages in this function are written under double quotes, while one must provide the variable reference for the values.


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Enable Developer Tab

Firstly, if you do not see the Developer tab in your excel, follow the steps below to enable it.

Step 1: Go to FILE > OPTIONS.

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Step 2: Click on Customize Ribbon under Excel Options.

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Step 3: On the right-hand side, check the Developer’s box to enable it.

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Step 4: Click on “OK” and close this window. Now, you should see the Developer tab in your Excel ribbon.

How to Create a MessageBox using VBA Code?

Step 1: Open Visual Basic Editor

Go to the DEVELOPER tab and click on VISUAL BASIC.

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Step 2: Insert Module

Now, click on INSERT and select MODULE. It will insert the new MODULE in your VBA editor.

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Step 3: Start Subprocedure

Start your excel macro by typing SUB, the head of the macro. Give a MACRO a name and press the “Enter” key.

Step 4: Start Writing Code for MsgBox

  • In between the Head & Tail of the macro, we need to write the code. So start the word Msgbox. It will display the MsgBox function.

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  • As soon as you see the word Msgbox press tab, it will start to show the Msgbox syntax.

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  • Now, type the word Welcome to VBA in double-quotes.

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Run the Code

Now inside the macro, place a cursor and press the key F5, the shortcut key to run a macro.

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