How to Browse From the Linux Terminal Using W3M?

Configurare noua (How To)


W3M is an open-source text-based terminal web browser for Linux used to browse through the terminal. It is simple to use and do not require any additional interacting interface application though it interacts through the terminal. It renders the web pages in a form as their original layout.

How to Install W3M?

As W3M is not included by default on most Linux distributions, we have to install the main w3m package and the w3m-img package for inline image support using the following command:

sudo apt-get install w3m w3m-img


Pasi de urmat

Browsing: To access a webpage, we just have to specify the web address. If you want to bring up Google, then you just to run following command:


Instructions to Use:

  • Use arrow keys to move the cursor around or click at the desired location.
  • Where you want to type anything, select the text box with your cursor and press enter before typing the text.
  • Load a hyperlink by selecting it and pressing enter.



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