How to Configure or Disable Linux Mint Update Notifications

Configurare noua (How To)


Had enough of Linux Mint’s annoying update notifications? Or maybe you’re so concerned with staying up-to-date you want to see them even more? Either way, adjusting the notifications or turning them off is simple, as we’ll explain.

Updating is, of course, essential to staying secure on Linux. The notifications introduced in Mint 20.2 are meant to ensure you don’t forget about important security patches and kernel improvements. However, you might have your own updating routine, or maybe you prefer using the command line rather than a GUI. .


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How to Configure Update Notifications

  • Launch Update Manager either from your taskbar (if it’s visible) or from your application menu.

Launch Update Manager from your application menu or taskbar

  • Open the Preferences window by clicking Edit > Preferences.

Click Edit followed by Preferences to open the Preferences window

  • At the bottom of the Preferences window, you can adjust your configurations in the Notifications section.

Update notification configuration in Linux Mint 20.2

Here you can adjust the number of days, logged-in and calendar, to wait before notifying you about updates that come in. You can also adjust how long Update Manager will wait after the last applied update before showing you any notifications. For all of these fields, the shortest amount of time you can set is two days.

If you want to get notifications about any and all updates, toggle off “Only Show Notifications for Security and Kernel Updates.”

How to Turn Off Update Notifications

The simplest way to entirely avoid getting update notifications is to block from Update Manager from running at startup. This doesn’t mean you won’t get updates, or that you won’t be able to use Update Manager. It just means you won’t see any notifications, and Update Manager won’t appear in your taskbar until you launch it manually.

In your application menu, launch “Session & Startup.” It may also be called “Startup Applications.”

Launch Session and Startup from your application menu

In the Session & Startup window, click the “Application Autostart” tab and scroll until you see “Update Manager (Linux Mint Update Manager)” in the list of applications. Uncheck it.

Update Manager will no longer launch on startup, thus preventing any automated update checks and notifications. You can activate it again simply by checking Update Manager’s box again in Session & Startup.

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