How to Disable Twitter Notifications on iPhone and iPad

Configurare noua (How To)


Tired of getting annoying notifications from Twitter on your iPhone or iPad? Luckily, it’s easy to turn them off completely—or you can pick and choose which notifications you’d like to receive.


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How to Completely Disable All Twitter Notifications

  • First, open Settings on your iPhone or iPad.

Tap the "Settings" icon on iPhone

  • In Settings, tap “Notifications”

In iPhone or iPad Settings, tap "Notifications."

  • In “Notifications,” select “Twitter”

In "Notifications," tap "Twitter."

  • Tap the switch beside “Allow Notifications” to turn it off.

Tap "Allow Notifications" to turn notifications off.

After that, you’ll no longer receive notifications from Twitter.

How to Fine-tune Twitter Notifications

If you’d like to keep some Twitter app notifications enabled (such as those for direct messages, for example) while disabling others, you can fine-tune “push notifications” within the Twitter app itself. To do so, open the Twitter app and tap the hamburger button (three lines) in the top-left corner of the screen.

In Twitter, click the hamburger icon or your profile photo.

  • In the menu that opens, tap “Settings and privacy.”

In Twitter settings, tap "Settings and privacy."

  • Tap “Notifications” on the Settings and privacy screen.

In Twitter app settings, tap "Notifications."

  • Tap “Push notifications” on the Preferences screen.

Tap "Push notifications."

On the Push notifications page, it’s easy to customize exactly what type of notifications you’d like to receive from the Twitter app. For example, you can choose to only receive notifications if people reply to your tweets or turn off notifications related to new followers.

The Twitter app's "Push notifications" screen lets you fine tune which notifications you'll receive.

When you’re done with Push notifications, you can push back once and check on your email notification settings as well. When you’re finished, exit Settings, and your changes will be saved.

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