How To Fix INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND Error on Windows 10?

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INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND is a common error that prevents users from reaching Internet pages online. It often shows up after installing Windows 10 updates. Microsoft Edge users encounter the error most frequently, although Google Chrome or Firefox users run into it, too. The error also informs that there was a temporary DNS error and that the user should refresh the page.


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Restart Router

Many visitors have reported that restarting their home or work router helped to fix INET_E_RESOURCE_ERROR without any hassle. Therefore, before trying more advanced and complicated solutions listed below, try this easy one. All that you need to do is:

  • Locate your router. Find the Power button on it and press it until all lights shut down.
  • Now, wait for at least couple of minutes before turning it back on. This helps to fully drain the power and any memory left.
  • Press the Power button again and wait until all lights go up. restart router to fix inet_e_resource_not_found error

Try refreshing your browser and check if the issue is now resolved.

Rename Connections folder in Windows Registry

The error may occur after installing Microsoft Windows Creators update, but can be solved easily. Make sure you log-in to Administrator’s account, and follow the given steps.

  • Open Windows Registry – press down Windows key + R and type regedit into the Run prompt, click OK.
  • Now, expand folders in the given order –HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Internet Settings > Connections.
  • Now, right-click the Connections folder and Rename it to ConnectionsX. Click Enter to save.

Change Connections folder name to ConnectionsX

Disable TCP Fast Open option in MS Edge

Microsoft experts recommend the provided technique and typically fixes the problem instantly, so we suggest starting here. To briefly introduce you to TCP Fast Open, we can say that it is a computer networking feature which allows launching TCP protocols between two endpoints faster.

Launch Microsoft Edge browser and type about:flags into the address bar. Press Enter on your keyboard.

Once you are on about:flags page, look for the option called Enable TCP Fast Open. If you can’t see this option, you need to press down CTRL+SHIFT+D. This opens up hidden Diagnostics section. Now, set the Enable TCP Fast Open option to Always Off. Restart the browser and try connecting to the site you want again.


Open Private Browsing session

Another way to bypass the INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND Edge error is to launch a private browsing session. This might work as a temporary fix if you need to access certain website quickly. Launch Microsoft Edge. Now, click on the three dots in the right corner of the screen. Choose New InPrivate window option.


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