Here are many variations in “iTunes Network Connection Timed Out”, but the most named is ‘iTunes Error -3259’. This error mostly occurs when downloading or updating an app on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch via iTunes Store. Once Error -3259 pops up, you’ll find out that you are unable to complete the download. Learn what to do to stop this error message from reoccurring in the following paragraphs.
The Symptoms and Reasons for iTunes Error -3259
How do you know that you are experiencing iTunes error -3259? The answer is simple – iTunes will get to notify you. Hence, we’ve listed some common iTunes notifications when error -3259 occurred:
- “iTunes could not connect to the App Store. An unknown error occurred (error 3259). Make sure your network connection is active and try again”
- “There was an error downloading your music (error 3259)”
- “Cannot connect to iTunes Store. An unknown error has occurred”
If updating to the latest version of iTunes did not stop the Error -3259 notification, then uninstalling iTunes and re-installing its latest version can help to solve the iTunes Error 3259 you are facing. The steps listed below are of two parts: the first part deals with how to uninstall iTunes, while the second part handles how to install the latest version of iTunes.
Go to your Windows’ Control Panel and uninstall iTunes with the following components in this order:
- iTunes;
- Apple Software Update;
- Apple Mobile Device Support;
- Bonjour;
- Apple Application Support 32-bit;
- Apple Application Support 64-bit.
Check to know whether iTunes installed two versions of any of the programs. If it did, do uninstall all of them before restarting your PC. After your PC restarted download and install the latest version of iTunes.
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