How To Fix Samsung TV Network Error Code 012

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Method 1: Check Internet Connection

All Smart TVs need a strong Internet Connectivity to work properly. If you are getting the Network Error Code 012, then this may indicate no or weak internet connectivity. You can try restarting the router or modem and then check if you are able to update apps on your TV. If you are sure of having a strong Internet Connectivity, you should better switch on to the next two methods to resolve Samsung Smart TV Network Error Code 012.

Method 2: Automatically Update the Firmware on your Smart TV

The actual cause of the Samsung Smart TV Network Error Code 012 is the downgraded version of Firmware on your device. Thus, if you update your device to the latest version of Firmware, this error code should disappear. In order to update the firmware automatically, you should follow the steps as mentioned below.

Turn on your Samsung Smart TV and make sure it has been connected to a strong Internet connection.

Using your remote control, go to the TV’s options menu by clicking the MENU button on your remote control.

Use the down arrow on the remote to go to the Support tab.

Now select the Software Update option.

Select the Online option.

As long as your Samsung device is connected to the internet, it will connect to the Samsung servers to look for an update. If there is an update available it will begin installing automatically.

Once you have updated to the latest Firmware, check if the network error code 012 still persists. However, it may be also possible that you don’t see any update available for your device. In such a case, you need to manually update the firmware on your Samsung device. The steps to manually update the firmware are given in the next method.

Method 3: Restart Smart Hub

This is one of the methods that has received best response from our viewers. You just need to restart the smart hub and Samsung Smart TV network error code 012 will disappear. We have listed down the steps to restart Smart Hub in the below article. Just search for the steps to restart hub in the below link, implement those steps and the error code will disappear.

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