How to fix Vizio tv Black screen of death

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This article centers on solving the black screen problem of Vizio TV. Here is a step-by-step guide on what to do when you experience BSOD (Vizio Black Screen of Death).

  • The first step is to turn off your TV.
  • Unplug it from the power source (socket or any source you use). You may have a power button on the body of your Vizio TV (depending on the model you have). Locate the power button of your TV.
    Once you find the power button, keep it pressed for 30 seconds.
  • After you have held the power button down for 30 seconds, let go of the power button and wait for 1 minute for the power settings of your TV to reset. After 1 minute, re-plug your TV into your power source.
  • Power on your TV.

This should do the trick. If you try this method and still do not get a response from your Vizio TV, you can apply this other method.

  • Remove the battery of the remote control for your TV.
  • Hold down the power button on the remote control for 30 seconds.
  • Once you have waited for 30 seconds, replace the batteries with new ones.
  • Try turning on the TV.

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