How to play PSP games on Windows devices

Configurare noua (How To)


A good game comes out but you can not play it because its only for PSP and you do not own one.


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First,you will have to visit

Press the download button and download the installer for windows.The application is supported by other operating systems but will only show the steps on how to get it to work on windows.

Unzip and install the application.

Secondly,where do you get the games for it?
Well there are plenty of websites where you can find PSP games along with games for other types of consoles.Some are safe and some not so much.

Personally,i recommend where i found what i wanted and confirmed it works.For free!

Next i recommend creating a new folder where to place the games you want to play.Unzip if needed and then open the PPSSPP application and locate the folder where you stored the games.The application will be able to read and launch them.

Select the game and enjoy!

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