How to Send Disappearing Messages in Instagram

Configurare noua (How To)


For dispatching self-destructing texts, Instagram offers a feature called “Vanish Mode” on its messaging service. Any text or media you send in Vanish Mode is automatically wiped as soon as the recipient sees it. To access Vanish Mode, first, make sure you have the latest version of the Instagram app on your Android smartphone or iPhone.

Next, open the Instagram app on your phone and swipe in from the left edge of the screen (or tap the text bubble button at the top right) to view a list of your direct messages.

Visit your Instagram chats

Select the conversation that you’d like to use Vanish Mode for.

Perform a swipe up gesture above the text box to activate Vanish Mode. Once that’s successful, Instagram will update your chat background with a darker shade and throw in a few animations to let you know Vanish Mode is active.

Turn on Vanish Mode on Instagram

In Vanish Mode, you can continue to chat normally and send messages in all the usual formats, like direct stories, voice clips, and more.

Send disappearing messages on Instagram

The difference is that once you swipe up again to leave Vanish Mode and the other person reads whatever you have sent, Instagram will delete those messages.

Turn off Vanish Mode on Instagram

While the recipient is free to take a screenshot of your messages in Vanish Mode, Instagram will notify you if and when they do. Do note that Instagram retains your Vanish Mode media and texts for up to an hour after they have been deleted. This is in case the recipient files a report for abuse and harassment and Instagram needs the Vanish Mode data to take action.


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